Wednesday, January 25, 2006

dogs and babies are a lot alike

Turns out they both enjoy crate-time!

And no, don't worry, mama's not out running errands whilst bea plays quietly in her crate.

Monday, January 16, 2006

mlk day with cat & sam

bea and I were lucky enough to snag our close friend Catherine (a school teacher) and her son Samuel (aka bea's boyfriend) on their day off. we made a beeline to the children's museum and partook of their fabulous tot park where everything is padded and nary a sharp corner or delicate item is found (just some overage kids mucking about the place).
sam liked to hang out on the bridge...

and bea felt comfort between a coupla beach balls.

after awhile, they conspired to escape - enough of this namby-pamby safe stuff, let's find those rowdy older kids and join the party!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Constant Motion

Not sure if I've mentioned it, but this girl doesn't stop moving. Maybe that's why she fights sleep! Energy to burn.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Orange You Glad We're Related

Tom and Bea both look fabulous in a particular range of colors in the orange family and they both ended up, unbeknownst to the other, wearing it today so we had to take some photos to record their color coordination.

Fun with snack food -
Tom's pretending the pretzel rod is a cigar.
Hanging upside down still produces a laugh or two - we think that she's on the verge of not thinking this is fun.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Sleeping Baby - Tended Dogs

The baby's been asleep for an hour and we've finally got some time to introduce you to Lucky and Lola. They've been hanging in pretty well since Beatrice was born and we know it's been tough; not many long walks on the beach or couch time with Tom since the little "puppy" came along.


and Lucky: