Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Brussel Sprouts as Sculpture

Bea and I tried to make it to the infant storytime at the Portland Public Library, but, alas, we got out of the house a little late. No worries though as the farmer's market in Monument Square still had a vendor or two and we picked up some of our favorite organic veggies - yellow and purple carrots, beets, and brussel sprouts still on the stalk. Nothing like roasted root vegetables and sauteed brussel sprouts tossed with some butter and parmesan cheese - even food-milled up for ol' two-teeth can't mess up the greatness of that for an autumn meal.

Autumn days like today also can't be beat - hope the sun and leaves stay around for a little while longer.


Peggy said...

oy vey, root veggies and babies. Glad I'm not changing those diapers

Anonymous said...

'dem brussell sprouts are choking hazards! Takem away from that baby!