Saturday, August 26, 2006

Row Your Boat

My parents recently came to visit - they drove from MN with this Sunflower sailboat strapped to the top of their car - a present for Tom direct from my childhood. Their was never an excursion on the water with my father that didn't end up an adventure. Ask Tom about his addition to the tales...

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Littoral Bliss

I've always wanted to use a word-of-the-day in a caption!

When I'm feeling blue about my life AND if I can manage to get myself up and out AND if the sun is even remotely shining (after 3 or 4 pm, of course,) I'll grab Bea, stick a swim diaper on her (if she's lucky,) squeeze her into last year's suit, and hit one of the many really lovely beaches within twenty minutes of our house. Here are some shots from two of our favorites - Kettle Cove in Cape
Elizabeth and Ferry Beach in Scarborough:

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Lobster Shack - pre-tourists!

Bea and I just got back from a weekend in Cambridge. We were helping out with and attending a 40th birthday party for our friend Laura Doty and managed to have a great time, but came back with wicked colds. Unfortunately, I have no pictures from the weekend, which is a shame as I would have loved a snap of Bea's friend and Laura's nine year old daughter Lucia acting as junior babysitter extraordinaire, but I was too busy making mojitos and making sure Bea didn't eat chocolate cake to take pictures.

What I can offer are a few photos I took the day we came back to Maine. It was cold and windy and we headed out to see the crashing waves at Two Lights via the Lobster Shack. It's a beautiful spot and only about a 15 minute drive from our house.

Here we have Bea sitting in one of the cool stone chairs they have erected as functional sculpture.

In this one see if you can spot one of the lighthouses in the background:

While it was a challenge to dissuade Bea from picking all of the tulips in bloom, I looked on lovingly as she picked some Dandelions.

Who can resist the allure of a baby's hand (and wrist roll)?

Here's a very sweet shot of baby Bea...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Some Durn Cute Snaps of The Girl

This may qualify as self-indulgent and the equivalent of whipping out the accordion file of photos of our little darling, but bear with me and realize that I haven't been as good about documenting our peanut's early life as I'd have hoped, so, if that means that every month or so you have to scroll through a bunch of bea photos, lucky you (and enjoy!)...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A Trip to the Beach - Lee/Kubasik Style!

Truth be told, Tom and I are not sun & sand type of folk - we like our beaches off-peak - after 3 pm during the summer, and all day during the sunny winter. We had a bit of spring in the air last weekend and took full advantage, packing the girl on a back and walking over to our local beach where there is a pretty good play structure and, more importantly, a lot of kids and a lot of dogs - Bea was in heaven. We ran into our friends, Catherine and Samuel, and grabbed some nice slide shots of those two. Here's a peak at our day at the beach...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

dogs and babies are a lot alike

Turns out they both enjoy crate-time!

And no, don't worry, mama's not out running errands whilst bea plays quietly in her crate.

Monday, January 16, 2006

mlk day with cat & sam

bea and I were lucky enough to snag our close friend Catherine (a school teacher) and her son Samuel (aka bea's boyfriend) on their day off. we made a beeline to the children's museum and partook of their fabulous tot park where everything is padded and nary a sharp corner or delicate item is found (just some overage kids mucking about the place).
sam liked to hang out on the bridge...

and bea felt comfort between a coupla beach balls.

after awhile, they conspired to escape - enough of this namby-pamby safe stuff, let's find those rowdy older kids and join the party!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Constant Motion

Not sure if I've mentioned it, but this girl doesn't stop moving. Maybe that's why she fights sleep! Energy to burn.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Orange You Glad We're Related

Tom and Bea both look fabulous in a particular range of colors in the orange family and they both ended up, unbeknownst to the other, wearing it today so we had to take some photos to record their color coordination.

Fun with snack food -
Tom's pretending the pretzel rod is a cigar.
Hanging upside down still produces a laugh or two - we think that she's on the verge of not thinking this is fun.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Sleeping Baby - Tended Dogs

The baby's been asleep for an hour and we've finally got some time to introduce you to Lucky and Lola. They've been hanging in pretty well since Beatrice was born and we know it's been tough; not many long walks on the beach or couch time with Tom since the little "puppy" came along.


and Lucky: