Wednesday, December 28, 2005

City Mouse

We've discovered that Bea is an urban girl - every time we go to NYC she ends up taking some fabulous naps and actually sleeps like a baby. She loves a lot of stimulation and New York offers her a grand amount. Last trip we spent time in Midtown, this trip we started in the Lower East Side where she had her first cup of tea at Teany and got to see Nana buy some pickles straight from the barrel. While Tom caught a train to go see "Sweeney Todd," Bea, Nana, and I meandered through Soho and Nolita and did a lovely amount of window shopping. We stopped at a playground and let Bea down from the backpack - she was mesmerized by the basketball players. We took the subway back to Grand Central and met Tom for the ride back to Larchmont. Bea is a public transportation old-timer!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas in CT & NY

We packed up the car and headed down to Uncle Matt and Aunt Janet's lovely house in CT for Christmas Eve. Bea got to spend some quality "skootching" time with her cousins and met her uncle Christopher, fresh in from CA, for the first time.

She seems to be getting the present thing down, though she mostly wanted to play with her cousins' toys.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Bea is One!

Carrot cake from the 158 is good! Bea has no idea what's going on with the candle/cake combo, but she's having a great time nonetheless. All of Bea's greatest supporters came to wish her well and she was very happy to feel the love. She managed to keep it together throughout the party but, as the photo shows, did give it up afterwards. This is a rare sleep siting for Bea - it warms a mother's heart.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Bea's First Trip to Minnesota

Beatrice and I hopped a train down to Boston, stayed with our pals Laura and Tina, and jetted off on a non-stop to MN the following day. The plane was completely full on the way out and I must say that little Bea was a natural on her first flight; I, on the other hand, was a wreck - trying to nurse next to two guys with laptops proved to be interesting! But, we arrived to two smiling grandparents and the adventure continued on the ground. Bea met her uncle Peter and her cousins Sarah and Pete for the first time and got to spend some time getting to know them. She also met our friend Sid and almost got to take part in a jam session. We were sad to leave (especially because it meant getting back on a plane and a train) but we're hoping to coax some of those folks out this way sometime soon.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

We've Generous Patrons...

Uncle Matt and Aunt Janet have made it possible for the blog to visually go on - thank you, fine friends!

We've all been running at the nose and aching in the bones since getting back from Thanksgiving in NY, so even though we've wanted to blog, we've been unable to stay up late enough to do much more than laundry.

We had a great time in New York - Thanksgiving at the Krouskoff's, close family friends of the Kubasik's, was wonderful - Bea was a big hit and managed to keep it together until the very end when a severe meltdown occurred. We had a lovely day-after in Larchmont and ended the trip with a the best Indian food we've ever had (even counting the Bay Area) at a place in New Rochelle - thank you Nana!

I'll try to keep the blog going from MN - Bea and I take off next week for a stay at the Grandparent's - we're wary of the journey, but are looking forward to Bea meeting her Lee-side cousins. There will be stories to tell and photos to share, I'm sure.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Without our own camera we're dependent on the kindness of friends to let us borrow their photos - so, thank you Tracy for letting me use one of yours...

We spent last Saturday at the Burke estate in lovely Shapleigh, Maine. We enjoyed ourselves immensely and were in awe of the sprawl of the land and the curious nooks and crannies of the house. Ron and Tess Burke were the host and hostess with the mostess and we left knowing why Tracy is such a well-adjusted and creative person - lucky girl with such great parents! Aimsel whipped up some swellicious pizza and we ate and drank and talked and walked in the woods. Bea was immediately smitten with Tess and we're hoping to send her out to the country for some further Tess-time as soon as possible. Thank you, Burke Family for sharing your excellent home with us.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Just When It Was Getting Interesting...

Alas, my friends, just as a new obsession was taking root a wrench was thrown into the works - our late model digital camera is on the fritz; no idea-er when we might be in possession of a working model again. BUT, please do stay-tuned...

Saturday, November 05, 2005


We had breakfast today at Catherine's house, where Bea stunned us with her latest trick: For the first time (and then, quickly, the second, third, fourth and fifth) Bea moved from lying down to sitting up without any help. Everyone clapped, including Bea. Though she's been sitting for months, and her balance is good, she hadn't before today been able to get herself into sitting position without a hand from mom or dad. This important milestone left Bea feeling quite adventurous, and next she wanted to clambor on top of Catherine's exercise ball.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Babies Love Indian Food

Bea loves Indian food. She packed her cheeks with garlic naan and lapped up the lentil soup. A healthy serving of saag paneer followed. That kid's a trooper.

WARNING: The high chair at Hi Bombay was circa 1960 - we called it the death chair. Bring your own device if necessary.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Walking Beats Driving

O what a beautiful autumn day in Southern Maine! Heard they were having some snow up north, but, no matter, Bea and I got to enjoy a lovely walk with our pals, Pam and Wiggy - we strapped the girls on our backs and headed down to the natural foods store via Deering Oaks Park. Leaves were blowing around and Pam had brought along some stale bread for us to throw to the squirrels. The squirrels in Deering Oaks are bold - they'll eat out of your hand if you're so inclined; I am not.

We used to come to this wading pool last summer - had a real Central Park feel - folks from lots of different places bringing their kids to splash around in some freezing water, hooting and hollering on a hot summer day - looks a lot different now.

Abandoned doll parts always make me a little sad. I found this treasure on our walk back to Pam's.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Brussel Sprouts as Sculpture

Bea and I tried to make it to the infant storytime at the Portland Public Library, but, alas, we got out of the house a little late. No worries though as the farmer's market in Monument Square still had a vendor or two and we picked up some of our favorite organic veggies - yellow and purple carrots, beets, and brussel sprouts still on the stalk. Nothing like roasted root vegetables and sauteed brussel sprouts tossed with some butter and parmesan cheese - even food-milled up for ol' two-teeth can't mess up the greatness of that for an autumn meal.

Autumn days like today also can't be beat - hope the sun and leaves stay around for a little while longer.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Bea's First Halloween

Bea dressed up as a cowboy, lassoed Ma and Pa, headed over to her old birthin' grounds at Ballard House for their first annual Halloween party, and co-mingled with ladybugs, fairies, super heroes and the like. She managed to mostly keep her boots on, but tossed her hat into the ring more than once. Animal crackers were eaten and eyes were poked - fun was had by all.