Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring Has (Finally) Sprung

Not only have the last piles of dirty snow-ice melted, allowing us, once again, to use our whole driveway, but the crocuses and daffodils have been poking their delicate little heads out of the comfort of their leaves, only to be plucked, in the prime of their babyhood, but one Beatrice E. Kubasik. She loves the pretty flowers, but has no concept yet, of letting them grow tall and strong and then picking them. Buddhist parenting comes in handy during times like these. We also got around to raking the yard, as we hadn't done it in the Fall, and we dream and fantasize about what we could do with it if we had some cash - it's little, but has infinite possibilities, of course. It's so wonderful to breath fresh, grassy, dirt-y smells in the air and to bury our toes in the sand once again. WELCOME SPRING. Welcome newness and that particular shade of green that only Spring exhibits.

Even though Spring does seem to have arrived, some days are warmer (and less windy) then others. Bea and I ventured out to Kettle Cove, but, instead of sitting on our blanket, we huddled under it. And read FERDINAND - a classic we recommend highly about a bull who simply wanted to sit and smell the flowers. We hope to see you all at the beach during a warmer day.

1 comment:

Yas said...

Great Butterfly chair!